February 9, 2025 Announcements
Adult Sunday School: 2 Cor. 5:11-21 and beyond - maybe
Prelude: Open Our Eyes/Be Thou My Vision
Thank you to all who attended the Game Night, Men's Prayer Breakfast and/or Ladies Meeting and Potluck this weekend. They are all great opportunities to build community with one another.
We will continue Wednesday night Bible study on the 12th by discussing in James 3:13-18. We always have great discussions around God's word. Remember that this service is also on Zoom if you're unable to attend or have family and friends from far away that might want to join.
There is a contact info sheet on the table by the back door. We would really appreciate it if you would note your name(s) (first and last), phone number(s), address and email on it so we can stay in touch.
We are beginning to form a committee to review and revise our Constitution and Bylaws. As well as an exploratory Building Committee to look at the need and feasibility of a new building. If you are willing to serve on either committee or would like to nominate someone for either, please let Pastor or one of the deacons know.
The next Council meeting will be February 16th following the morning service. Please bring a sack lunch and come to hear what plans are being discussed for the church. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Sean will be putting on an EMR class in March 3, 11, 19, 28 and 30. Cost is $150 to cover the book. If you are interested, please speak with Sean Burke.
There will be a special called Business Meeting following the service on March 23rd. The only two items of discussion and vote are the formation and approval of members for the Constitution and Bylaws Committee and/or Exploratory Building Committee.
O My Soul, Bless God the Father (21)
He Hideth My Soul (340)
Peace Give I to Thee
Sermon: Genesis 39:25-43
Softly and Tenderly (312)
Contact Us
Sonoma Baptist ChurchWinnemucca, Nevada 89445